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1472856_767342103282403_1722467418_nMaking provision in your Will to donate to White Ribbon is a way to help both current and future generations and make your community a safer place. You can be certain that your final act of generosity will help make a real difference for both men and women in New Zealander.

No matter what the size your bequest, your generosity will be greatly appreciated. It will help us to continue to educate men and reduce the violence in our communities.

By including a bequest in your Will, you have the option of leaving a specific amount, an item or a percentage of your estate to White Ribbon.

You can choose to leave your bequest freely, i.e. ‘no strings attached’, so that White Ribbon can apply the funds in the areas where they are most needed, or you can specify where and how you would like the bequest to be used.

The first step is to make an appointment with your financial or legal advisor to decide what type of bequest is best for you.

How to make a bequest

When you make a bequest to White Ribbon, you’re helping make your local community a safer place for women and children.

A bequest is an easy way to support White Ribbon, and you can even decide how you want the bequest to be used.

If you already have a Will
If you would like to include a bequest to White Ribbon in your existing Will, you can make a simple modification by adding a codicil (a codicil is a supplement to a Will that is intended to alter or modify it). To make sure your codicil is legal, we recommend it is checked and approved by a legal advisor.

If you don’t have a Will
A Will is an important legal document so it should be prepared by a legal professional. It’s important to discuss options and specific wording with your legal advisor to make sure your Will reflects your wishes clearly, giving specific guidance on how you want your assets and personal belongings distributed when you die. For more information on Will click through to the Public Trust.

Wording for a bequest
Here’s an indication of the accepted form of words that can be used to leave a bequest to White Ribbon:

“I give and bequeath the sum of $_____________ (or) __________ % of my estate, (or) residue of my estate, (or) property or assets as follows….

free of all charges, to the White Ribbon Campaign Trust. The official receipt of the Manager or other authorised officer of the Trust is an absolute discharge to my executors.”

With or without strings attached
You may chose to leave your bequest freely, i.e. ‘no strings attached’, so that White Ribbon can apply the funds in the areas where they are most needed, or you can specify where you would like the funds to be spent.

You can let us know about the bequest
There’s no requirement to tell us that you’re leaving a bequest to White Ribbon. However we would like to make sure that your generous giving is suitably thanked and acknowledged in your lifetime. Deciding to tell us about your bequest can also be a good thing if your Will is challenged. If we’re in a position to demonstrate that we have a relationship with you, your wishes are less likely to be amended by the court.

Strictest confidence guaranteed
Any bequest inquiries will be treated in the strictest confidence by White Ribbon.  We will respect your wishes if you choose to remain anonymous.

Contact us about a bequest
If you would like to discuss leaving a bequest to White Ribbon or require further information, please contact us at

White Ribbon is a member of Include A Charity

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